Julia has successfully prepared students for examinations (practical and theoretical) under the following boards :
Julia is proud to be able to say that 95% of her students receive over 90% in their examinations
Julia’s students have entered hundreds, if not thousands of eisteddfod classes over the years, often winning prizes. As a child Julia was kept very busy herself entering classes of several eisteddfods each year, becoming the winner of an entire eisteddfod when 9 years old with a performance of a Bach two part invention Eisteddfods give a student performance experience, and motivation to practise.
Julia is always keen to run workshops to further the education of her students and offers many such classes each year. In the past she has run workshops for both adults and children as the need arises.
Julia runs a week long music workshop for her students each year during the Summer Holidays. a different focus each year depending on the needs of the students attending. Outside students from other teachers have, at times, also attended these classes. Prospective students are also welcome to attend if there are sufficient numbers. Please enquire.
As part of her regular instrumental teaching service, Julia offers free theory tuition to her enrolled and paid up weekly students. Theory tuition is also given during the regular weekly lessons as needed. Music Theory tuition is also available as a stand alone service for anyone with an interest in Music Theory. No instrumental experience is necessary.
A free sight reading library is available for the use of students in order to enhance their music reading skills, increase their repertoire, and to enable them easy access to a greater choice of music - sometimes just for fun! Good reading clearly enables quicker learning of more pieces, and faster progression through the grades. Research shows that students who develop good reading ability are far more likely to continue playing as an adult. What a wonderful gift to give to your child - or even to yourself!