Theory Exams October 26th
Students must be at my house by 1.45pm at the latest to start the exact at 2pm. There are administrative tasks to complete before the exam can commence. Annie King will be the second invigilator.
The following students will be sitting a TWO HOUR examination : Angelique, Amelia, Savannah, Elizabeth, Leona. Collection time is strictly at 4pm unless otherwise informed. Please come to the library door only. (ex Waiting Room). Please do NOT come up the gravel drive since it could disturb other students who are still working. A water bottle may be taken into the exam room. It is suggested that students also bring a book to read while they are waiting for collection in my sitting room.
The following students will have a THREE HOUR exam: Sarah, Solita, Alex, Samantha. . Collection time will be strictly at 5pm unless otherwise informed.
Practical Examinations for some students will be in Launceston between December 17th and December 23rd inclusive at Brisbane Street.
Stay Up to Date
Julia has an extensive reference library and keeps herself up to date by attending workshops, conferences, and reading current journals issued by various musical organisations. She is keen to keep all her skills up to date.
The Australian Music Association says that “every child is born with musical ability”, and that the only reason it fails to develop is through lack of training. We have all heard about the Mozart effect. Research has constantly shown that children studying music have higher academic scores , improved memory, reasoning, time management skills, are better at working as part of a group, and have a better ability to think in the abstract.
Playing music improves reading and verbal skills, memory, and self expression. They are also better able to handle performance pressure and therefore become less anxious when doing tests.Music can modify neural pathways related to spatial reasoning, therefore helping with mathematics, chess, science. A study carried out in the USA shows that children aged 5-7 who have lagged behind in school have caught up or even become ahead of peers after several months of music lessons. participation in the Performing Arts improves citizenship. As well as the benefits for the young, what better way to keep your brain active after retirement, and give yourself a wonderful interest which can be shared with friends and family.
Starting music lessons the earlier is the better, as long as the lessons are age appropriate - so START NOW!
Should you and/or your child be unsure as to which instruments best suits them, then Julia can introduce them to a number of different instruments.
This year we have held 3 Theory Examinations in my studio, and most students have had a plan to follow in order to reach their next Theory Grade sooner rather than later. However, I can only do so much. To ensure you are getting the best value for your lesson fees, please encourage your child (or yourself) to complete the work assigned. Theoretical Knowledge is essential, not an adjunct. Both Theoretical and Practical study should be carried out every week. Students at Grade 4 or above will begin to see how important their theoretical knowledge is. Would you want your electrician or nurse to only be rehearsed in the practical skills without really knowing what they were doing? Or your Music teacher?
New students tend to begin with a weekly 30 minute lesson. However, to cover Theory and Aural skills, a 45 minute lesson is FAR more beneficial. Even then, there is never sufficient time, which is why I run Theory Group as a free service for students. I would encourage any current students to consider increasing their lesson to 45 minutes, perhaps next term, but definitely next year. The earlier the notice given, the easier it is to organise my timetable accordingly.
Students at Grade 4 and over need a 60 minute lesson if they also wish to cover Theory in their lesson. Alternatively, a few extra Theory lessons would help. This is why I offer workshops.
Students at Grade 6 and above will find the Theory very taxing and time consuming and really need extra lesson time in order to cover the material, otherwise the practical side of things will be neglected. The Theory from Grade 3 upwards is considered to be Year 11 work and the higher Grades are considered to need 150 hours of study. No school would be expected to be able to teach that in a few minutes here and there! Since music lessons are expensive, I am happy to organise discounts for students who have more than one hour of tuition in a week, either as a one off or on a regular basis, depending on my time available. Please ask for details.
One of my much coveted desires is to run an ensemble group as well, but you all seem to be so time poor that this has not yet happened. If interested and available, please let me know.
I consider it important that parents know what is happening in my studio. I hope to be providing a superior service and to provide what is needed and desired. I am always open to ideas. I do not see myself as a small adjunct to my student’s life, but as an important influence in their education and social development. Music is important and not just a side issue. I want us to be a team as far as possible.
Best Wishes